I waited patiently for the Lord to help me, and he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the pit of despair, out of the mud and the mire. He set my feet on solid ground and steadied me as I walked along. He has given me a new song to sing, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see what he has done and be amazed. They will put their trust in the Lord. (Ps. 40:1-3)
There is very little in this life that is certain. Everything is subject to change. Relationships change. Living situations change. Jobs change. People change. Change can be a long process or it can be sudden and out of the blue. This can be an unnerving and terrifying thing, but change is necessary for growth. How we handle change says much about our character and the ways that God is maturing us.
If I can describe 2015 in one word so far, it would be change. Last summer, I began to feel change brewing. I felt it in the air. I told all of my friends that 2015 would look completely different. God was preparing my heart for what was about to take place. As we anticipate the beginning of summer and look forward to pool parties and hot summer nights, I can look at my life and honestly say that not one aspect of it has been unaffected by change this year. This year an amazing full time position landed in my lap, while I wasn’t looking for it or expecting it. I have left my two part time gigs as a receptionist and preschool teacher to work with low income individuals and families, helping them to find employment. Just a couple of weeks ago, myself and some other individuals from my church announced to the congregation that we would be leaving to plant a church about 45 minutes from where we are now. On top of that, I have had friends move away and made new friends. I have housemates that are moving out and new ones moving in. I started this blog. It’s been quite a ride.
Yet even though this has all been good change there is still a part of me that gets shaken up by sudden movement and seasons coming to an end, in order that something new can take place. At times, I wish I could hold on to past seasons just a little longer, because maybe I would appreciate them more and take full advantage of them if I understood how fleeting they really are. I sometimes wish that God would give me a calendar of events, carefully outlined and laid out, so I never had to wonder what was up ahead and so that I knew exactly what I was getting myself into and for how long. But that’s because I hate the feeling of uncertainty. For me, not knowing is hard.
I have learned to deal with uncertainty and change by putting my trust in the God who never changes. It says in His word that “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” (Heb. 13:8). His love for us is steadfast. His goodness and faithfulness are constant. He is always trustworthy and in a world where nothing is sturdy and everything is unsure, He is a firm rock that you can lean upon. It tells us in Psalm 40 that he has placed our feet on steady ground. There is certainty in our relationship with Him. It tells us that He steadies us as we walk through the unsteadiness of life. What’s more than that, He tells us that He causes our walk to be a message of His hope and His love to others, causing others to put their trust in the Lord. When I consider the faithfulness of Jesus towards me, the changes of life become much easier to handle. My Lord goes with me.