The Lord my Rock

Psalm 18:2 “The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection.  He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety.

We live in a world where everything changes.  We can’t rely on anything to stay the same.  People move in and out of our lives.  Relationships change.  Jobs change.  Living situations change.  Locations change.  Technology changes.  Everything changes.

In the upheaval and chaos of living in an ever evolving society, it’s easy to feel lost in the scramble.  It’s easy to feel unsteady and unsure, uncertain about what the future holds.

The Lord never changes.  His nature doesn’t change.  His goodness doesn’t change.  His faithfulness towards you never changes.  His love and concern for you doesn’t waver.  He is not a God that changes His mind and His promises stand true, despite the test of time.

He is our Rock.  Through all that I have faced, He has remained constant.  I am in love with the fact that I can call Him my place of safety.  Isn’t that what we are all looking for?  Someplace where we can be safe.  Someone we can be honest with about what were going through and where we are struggling.  Somewhere where we can feel free to be ourselves without the pressure of pleasing people.  He tells us that He is that place of safety.

The most amazing part of all, is that the God who never changes, changes me.

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  1. This is really unipftlig *sigh* I dont like that I have this problem and I try to keep things in perspective because I know the world doesn’t revovle around myself but at times I just get the feeling that everyone is looking at me and judging me for my every mistake, it makes it hard to even interact with people without being even in the least anxious. This is unipftlig though and I will def turn my problems to the Lord because at this point he is the only one that can help me. Thanks for the post and your helping people like us by just talking about your situations and giving us all courage.

    1. Keep hanging in there. Remember we ALL make mistakes. Jesus shines brightest in our weakness. His opinion of you is the only one that counts and He loves you sooooo much!

  2. This is really unipftlig *sigh* I dont like that I have this problem and I try to keep things in perspective because I know the world doesn’t revovle around myself but at times I just get the feeling that everyone is looking at me and judging me for my every mistake, it makes it hard to even interact with people without being even in the least anxious. This is unipftlig though and I will def turn my problems to the Lord because at this point he is the only one that can help me. Thanks for the post and your helping people like us by just talking about your situations and giving us all courage.

    1. Keep hanging in there. Remember we ALL make mistakes. Jesus shines brightest in our weakness. His opinion of you is the only one that counts and He loves you sooooo much!