With a clear purpose and destination in mind, I continue my journey. As I travel, the way becomes unclear. Before me is dense fog and confusion enters my mind. The thought, “You are lost. You’re too far gone,” causes fear to spring up into my heart. Still, I hear a gentle whisper declare, “This is the way. Walk in it.” I take another step. Peace washes over me and a bit more of the path comes into view. As I walk, I encounter noise that feels deafening. There is light, sound and activity all around. At times, I almost forget why I set out in the first place, but yet I still hear that gentle whisper telling me, “One more step.”
As I travel, I encounter the road of fear, insecurity, self-doubt, and hopelessness. I wonder how did I wind up here? At times I look around me and feel swallowed up by darkness, but then I am reminded to shift my gaze upward. My eyes open to the light of heaven shining down and I set my focus ahead, only to realize the path has been illuminated all along. At times, I pass signs on the streets I travel. They advertise short cuts and temporary pleasures to ease the journey. Although I find myself intrigued that gentle voice reminds me to read the fine print. When I do, I realize these enticing pit stops take me far out of the way of my destination and I recognize them for what they are, traps and setbacks. I keep moving forward.
The streets I roam become a jungle and maze before me. Amid the hustle and bustle and all the noise, I find it harder and harder to hear that still small voice. Although faint, I barely make out the whisper, “Come away with me.” Before me an immense sky-scraper shoots upward into the sky and I feel a tug within my heart to enter. I am compelled to climb the steps upward. Although I feel tired and faint, I make my way to the top of the building. I make my way to the roof.
Away in the quiet, I feel the presence of love envelope me with light. As I look out over the city, my way becomes clear, and my vision expands. I see a new world, new avenues, new paths, opening up before me. I gaze out over the ledge and feel the relief that comes with knowing I have not lost my way and love has been there all along guiding me. A great wind comes and I feel panic as I recognize that there is no longer solid ground beneath my feet. But in the quiet, the gentle voice is so much clearer, as I hear the words, “Have faith in me.” At once, I realize despite my fear of falling, I am gliding through the air with agility and courage. My arms spread out like wings at my side, I feel the wind rushing underneath. The wind of love carries me and by His strength, I soar.
But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. (Isa. 40:31)