Today, pressure, busyness, and a sense of not being quite enough hit me. The calendar is too full. There is not enough time to make time for everyone I want to make time for and to do everything I should do. Let alone the things I want to do. I can’t please everyone. I’m not eating well enough. I haven’t exercised enough. How can I be all and do all? How? When thoughts like this swirl around in my mind, I know it’s time to recognize those sneaky lies creeping in and turn my attention to my Savior.
When we strive to be more, to do more, to get it right, to pack more into the schedule, to strive to complete one more task, Jesus beckons us to rest in Him. Not one of us will ever arrive at perfection, but Jesus tells us, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness” (NIV). He covers our gaps and lends us His strength. In His eyes, we are enough.
Rest in the fact that God made no mistakes when He designed you. You are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14). You don’t need to measure up to a certain number on a scale or fit into certain size jeans to be enough. Allow yourself to rest and recognize you are beautiful just as you are. You are enough.
You will never be able to please everyone, and you were never meant to. You don’t need to succumb to the pressure to make yourself available to everyone, pouring every ounce of yourself out, until you have nothing left to give. Allow God to help you to prioritize your connections, showing you where to invest time and in what season. Allow him to show you where to focus your attention in your relationships. Let him show you where to pour out and where to get filled back up again. What you have to offer is enough.
The to-do list was never meant to drive your life. You don’t have to check off every item. Some things can wait, some can be delegated, and some don’t need to be done at all. There are things that need to be done today, but it’s not too much for you to handle. His yoke is easy, and His burden is light (Matt. 11:30). Don’t take on more than God is requiring of you and don’t spend time worrying about tomorrow. He has given you enough grace for today. Tomorrow, His grace will be there waiting for you. What you can do today is enough.
We can approach each day knowing we are enough for Jesus. He did not design us to scramble every day trying to do one more thing, so we can meet some lofty standard that has been set for us, either by others or by ourselves. We don’t need to live our lives constantly feeling that we are behind the eight ball and that we are missing the mark. We can know that no matter what the scale says, what the checklist says, or what anyone else says, what we bring to the table is enough. There will always be room for improvement, but God leads us in a process of growth that we are truly meant to rest our way through. In each moment, we can lean into his strength and trust that no matter where we are in the process, His grace is enough for us. Rather than looking at everything we are not, we can allow our hearts to focus on all that He is. And that is enough for Him.