I have just returned from a much-needed vacation with my husband. Some breaks feel like a luxury and are nice to have. Others are badly needed. This break belonged in the second category for me. This season finds me in the last year of my grad program, the first semester of an off-site internship, and various other responsibilities and opportunities. It’s a truly good season, albeit a busy and stressful one. In this season, I am learning about my limitations. I […]
Enjoying Life, No Matter What
Enjoying life, no matter what. I bought a pool pass last week. It was a big deal for me. After years of wishing I had a convenient place to go swimming during those lazy summer afternoons, I finally researched my options and did something about it. No more do I have to wish I had a place to go and swim. I can simply just go and swim. At this point in my life, I’m […]
Breaking Through the Clouds
This morning as I was driving to church the beauty of the day struck me. The sky was amazingly bright and blue. I found myself thanking God and filled with joy. Along the ride, I began to notice that up ahead were massive gray clouds that appeared as a wall before me. Even though I was surrounded by blue sky, clouds loomed up ahead. As I arrived at my destination, at first glance, I could no longer see the sun. Dark […]
Letting Go of Perfect and Embracing Enough
As I am writing this, it is September 29. I started graduate school this month. With the start of school, many of my lofty goals have gone out the window and much of my time is spent with a highlighter and a book in my hand. Although in my academic past, I have prided myself on being able to do it all and to achieve with flying colors, I have come to the rude awakening that this time […]
From a “Home” called Fear to a Wilderness called Faith and Freedom
Recently, I left Home. I use the word Home loosely, as a reference to a place I’ve become quite familiar with and one in which I’ve spent much time throughout my life. It’s been a place of safety, one in which I’ve found comfort. Although it has changed throughout the years, it is a place of predictability. In some ways, it has been a place of stability. I run this place, nothing escapes my notice […]
If you see something, say something
Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy. (Prov. 31:8-9) Who out there loves confrontation? Not me. Unfortunately, it is a necessary element in growth, maturity and certainly in leadership. Have you ever witnessed something that was clearly wrong or harmful and felt your gut twist as you wondered if you should say […]
Let’s Talk About It: Effective Communication in Relationships
Indeed, we all make many mistakes. For if we could control our tongues, we would be perfect and could also control ourselves in every other way. (James 3:2) Effective communication is the relationship goal that we should all be after. Let’s face it. Effective communication can make or break a relationship. However, communicating our needs or navigating conflict with a loved one isn’t always easy. Here are some good strategies for keeping the communication flowing […]