This past week God has been speaking to me about narratives. As people, we love the power of storytelling. While we might become disengaged when it comes to the facts, we connect with stories. We are engaged, intrigued, inspired. Of particular interest as of late, is the stories we tell ourselves. Whether we realize it or not, there is an ongoing narrative that goes on in our minds. Our narrative strings each event together, every […]
From a “Home” called Fear to a Wilderness called Faith and Freedom
Recently, I left Home. I use the word Home loosely, as a reference to a place I’ve become quite familiar with and one in which I’ve spent much time throughout my life. It’s been a place of safety, one in which I’ve found comfort. Although it has changed throughout the years, it is a place of predictability. In some ways, it has been a place of stability. I run this place, nothing escapes my notice […]
Recapture the Moment
Lately, I have been studying and reading about the brain. Dr. Caroline Leaf has amazing materials regarding brain science and how it correlates to scripture. Right now, I am reading her book The Perfect You, which I highly recommend. Dr. Leaf speaks a lot about how we always have the power to think, choose and feel. Our brains are very amenable to change. By thinking about what we are thinking about, we have the power […]
The Cave of Fear
With the wind at my back, I make my ascent up the Mountain of Life with my Lion King at my side. We enjoy one another’s companionship through the heat of the day and the cool of the night. Our hearts have become intertwined and with each passing day I feel more free and fully me. Along the way, we encounter the entrance to a cave marked Fear. I hear the whispered hush of voices […]