What do You Want? Why God Requires our Persistence in Prayer

A while back, I read an article entitled “Why Does God Require Persistence in Prayer?”  Luke 18 tells the story of the Persistent Widow.  Basically, the story goes like this.  In a city far far away, lived a judge.  He didn’t care.  Not about people and certainly not about God.  The widow bangs down the judges door demanding justice against her enemy.  She won’t leave him alone.  She is unrelenting.  And at the end of […]

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Just Friends: Thoughts on Being in the Friendzone

No one wants to be in the friend zone.  When you are trying to find that special someone, it seems like the worst thing ever when that relationship slips into the place of being so comfortable and so familiar that a “friend zone” relationship has been established.  I used to think that way.  I think a little differently now. I think Christians especially have the tendency to put too much pressure on relationships.  We get […]

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Are You Who You Want to Be?

This morning’s blog post is about identity crisis.  Today, I want to speak to anyone out there desiring a change.  Are there any of you out there that look in the mirror and see a difference between the person you are and the person you want to be?  I’ve been there.  My question to you is what are you going to do about it?  Seriously, think about it.   What are the changes you want […]

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The Problem with the Yolo Mentality

YOLO has become a very common phrase among teens and people in their 20’s.  It means “you only live once.”  True statement.   I agree with it.  We all need to be reminded from time to time that we only get one shot at this life and we need to make the most of every opportunity we have.  I get it. However, I have also seen the YOLO concept abused.  People, especially young people, have […]

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You were never meant to do it alone: The importance of community

“Community” has become quite the buzzword in today’s Christian circles.  We talk about the importance of living in community and doing life together.  I think what it all boils down to is family.  As children of God, we were designed to live as members of one big family.  We all need one another.  Although you can certainly try to go it alone, it’s alot like trying to climb an icy mountain uphill.  It’s difficult to […]

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The Lord my Rock

Psalm 18:2 “The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection.  He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety. We live in a world where everything changes.  We can’t rely on anything to stay the same.  People move in and out of our lives.  Relationships change.  Jobs change.  Living situations change.  Locations change.  Technology changes.  Everything changes. In […]

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By the Word of the Lord

In Christian circles, we talk about “The Word” (the Bible) alot.  Truthfully, I think we talk about it more than we read it and certainly much more than we actually apply it.  We can all be guilty of that at times.  I know I have been.  But over the last year or two, more than at any other point in my relationship with God, the power of The Word has struck me in a profound […]

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The Stuff Worth Holding Onto

Yesterday, my post was titled “The Art of Letting Go.”  Letting go is easier when we can identify the things that we can always hold onto.  There’s a sense of comfort in that.  So, here we go: 1.  Hold on to Jesus This seems like a given and we talk about it alot in that Sunday School sense that Jesus is always the right answer.  This answer doesn’t always provide alot of comfort though when […]

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The Art of Letting Go

Man.  This is a tough one.  No one likes letting go, but sometimes it’s our only option.  In a world that always tells us to just hold on, sometimes letting go is the right thing to do.  Sometimes it takes more strength to let go than it does to hold on.  Sometimes it’s the only thing that can liberate us, so we can finally experience true freedom. In my short 26 years of life, here […]

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You are New

You are new.  Your past?  It was erased the moment you chose to open up your heart to Jesus and to let Him in.  Don’t look back.  The past mistakes, the sin, the guilt and the shame has been washed away by His grace (2 Cor. 5:17).  He has given you a new heart (Ezek. 11:19-20). You may not feel that you are new.  You may still feel entrapped by the old.  But trust me, […]

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