Lift Up Your Voice

In Matthew 25:14-30, we find the story of a man that goes on a journey and entrusts his wealth to his servants.  You may already be familiar with it.  To one man he gives five bags of gold, to another two and to the last, one.  When the man returns, he finds that the man with the five bags has earned five more and the man with the two bags has gained two more.  But […]

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Behind the Music

Music is an incredibly powerful force.  Music allows us to express emotions that we can’t express with words and is highly spiritual in nature. Lately, I have been fascinated by the power that music has over us.  We will embrace just about any message if it is wrapped in a good beat.  It’s crazy!  I am a 90’s girl at heart and there are certain songs that I sang along to for years and have […]

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A Heart of Prayer

Since this year started, I have been compelled to pray in a way that I never have before.  As a Christian, I have always prayed, but my prayers are much different now.  Lately, I have felt this urgency to pray all the time for friends and family that either don’t know Jesus or do but have walked away from Him.  Every day, I have been praying scriptures over my loved ones and declaring the Word […]

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Getting Your Hopes Up

“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” Romans 12:12 Hope.  At times, my hope is tugged at, poked and prodded at. There have always been circumstances in my life that have carried with them the familiar lie…there’s no hope here.  Nothing will change.  Things will not get better.  Might as well give up.  Maybe you are familiar with that lie too. Hope.  It’s the confident expectation that something good will take place. […]

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You are Loved

You are loved.  Loved in the truest sense of the word.  Loved down deep to your core.  Your loved in your weakness, in your insecurity, in your fear.  You are loved. Just think about it.  The God that created the universe and breathed life into your being says that you are valuable and worthy to be loved.  When you look at yourself, do you see nobility?  Because that is what you are.  You are the […]

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Blank Space: The Problem with Taking Dating too Casually

Blank Space is the title of Taylor Swift’s latest single.  For the first few weeks after it was released, I blared it on my radio.  It was my jam.  But the more I started paying attention to the lyrics of the song, the more I realized that Tay Tay’s song portrays what is wrong with modern day casual dating. The song pays tribute to a litany of trainwreck relationships and presents love as a game […]

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You Do You Boo

You ever struggle with just being yourself?  I do.  Let me first say though, I love me.  I know who I am and I know what I stand for.  I know my strengths and I know my weaknesses.  I know all of my quirks and when you add it all up, you get a pretty awesome package.  But still I struggle with being me. Why?  Because not everyone else loves me.  Now, don’t get me […]

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Trust: One Step at a Time

“The Lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in Him;  though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand.” Psalm 37:23-24  NIV Our lives are a series of steps.  We can’t progress to the next step in our journey until we complete the step that we are on.  We move in and out of seasons and transition into different phases of life.  That’s how it […]

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Trust: Losing Control

In my previous post, I talked about my control issues.  I always want to know what’s happening and how to control my circumstances in a fashion that appeals to me.  Unfortunately, nothing goes according to how I think it should go.  Such is life. As I continue to grow in relationship with Jesus, He requires more and more trust of me.  I feel like He also entrusts me with more.  Each step of the way, […]

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Trust: Without Understanding

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6 I have trust issues.  Oddly enough, I usually don’t have too much trouble trusting people.  Where I have a problem is trusting myself and trusting God.  It’s complicated to explain, but in a nutshell I could boil it down to one sentence: I want […]

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