
Something is brewing in my heart these days and I am excited to share it with all of you lovely ladies and gents. I have found my determination. Not that I haven’t been determined in the past, but I’m at a whole other level with it now. It’s difficult to explain but I’m going to try. Not too long ago, I prayed a prayer like this: “God, I trust you, but you are killing me.” […]

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I’ll Keep My Eyes above the Waves

This week I have been reflecting on the passage in scripture where Peter walks on the water.  For those of you unfamiliar with the story, it goes like this.  Jesus sends His disciples ahead to their next destination, while Jesus goes up to a mountainside to pray.  Later that night, Jesus goes to meet up with His disciples.  Jesus starts walking on the water towards the boat.  The disciples freak out thinking it’s a ghost. […]

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You See Me, You Know Me

Recently, my pastor did an exercise with our youth group and the youth leaders. He had us all close our eyes and listen as he read Psalm 139 out loud. He asked us to raise our hand when we felt something jump out at us. Reading it again today, I have to say that it is this passage that stands out to me: You have searched me, Lord, and you know me. You know when […]

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Perfect Love

Caring about people can be really tricky sometimes, because people are messy. People are imperfect. They mess up. They say and do things that hurt you sometimes. We say and do things that hurt other people. We let one another down and disappoint each other at times. It’s life. Can I be real honest for a moment? I wish I could control people, in a good way, if that makes sense. I wish I could […]

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The Problem with American Dream Christianity

Recently, I watched the documentaries Father of Lights and Holy Ghost directed by Darren Wilson. Both films are incredibly faith boosting, as they highlight what happens when an individual totally surrenders themselves to the agenda and purposes of God. In these films, they interview people who have been heavily persecuted for their faith. They go to places that are resistant to the Gospel, places where one could be arrested, or killed, for trying to share […]

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One Step Closer

Do you ever just want answers? How will things turn out? When will it happen? How will it happen? Will it ever happen? What will the future bring? Will it all turn out okay? I’m the type of girl who has always wanted answers. There is safety in answers. I find protection in knowing. If I can anticipate an outcome, I can brace myself for the impact and prepare myself for the fall out. There […]

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On Leaving Behind a Legacy

Recently, one of my cousins passed away. Although I didn’t know him well, I attended his memorial service with my parents to show support for the family. I’m glad I did because I was so touched by what I heard at his memorial and all the kind words that were spoken about him. My cousin loved music and dancing. From what I understand, he was a jokester, a very common trait in our family. My […]

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Beauty in Brokenness

Recently, I have been on a traveling kick. As of this winter, I have had it stuck in my mind that I need to see the whole world. I have made plans in my head to go to the Carribean, Europe and a few other places I have always wanted to see. I want to see all the beautiful parts of the world. I want to experience the wonder of these places first hand. I […]

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There are situations in life that require us to get completely alone, shut the door on the world, take the ear buds out and to posture our hearts to hear the voice of God and God alone. There are important moments in life, moments when we stand with our tip toes at the edge of breakthrough, in which it becomes vital for us to seek the voice of God above all else. In fact, it’s […]

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Regeneration: The New Thing God is Doing in You

This week, I have been reflecting on this particular passage from Paul’s letter to the church at Ephesus: With the Lord’s authority I say this: Live no longer as the Gentiles do, for they are hopelessly confused. Their minds are full of darkness; they wander far from the life God gives because they have closed their minds and hardened their hearts against Him. They have no sense of shame. They live for lustful pleasure and […]

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