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At the Edge of the Promised Land

  This post is about fear, obedience to God and crossing over into the promised land.  Recently, I was reading up on Joshua.  Joshua was the man that God chose to bring Israel into the promised land after they had wandered in the wilderness for 40 years.  40 years prior, the Israelites had an opportunity to cross into the promised land, but they refused to because of fear.  Out of the 12 spies sent to […]

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Why is God so Good to Me?

The Lord appeared to Him from far away.  I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have continued by faithfulness to you. Jer. 31:3 Recently, I was chatting with one of my best friends about life and all the good things going on for both of us, when she looked up and wondered out loud, “Why is God so Good to Me?”  I’m a thinker and a processer, so that question has stuck […]

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He Has Called Me By A New Name

Have you ever learned the meaning of your name?  The meaning of mine is reaper or harvester.  I was named after my grandmother.  Even though I don’t think my parents were aware of the meaning of my name when they chose it, my name took on added significance to me when I learned what the name Theresa meant. In our Western culture, we love the naming process.  We love to name our children, our pets, […]

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The Husband List

I don’t know if guys do this, but single girls make lists when it comes to what they are looking for in their husbands.  During the waiting process, they write a well thought out checklist of qualities they are looking for in a future spouse.  We are often told of the importance of having standards (definitely true), so we try to wrap our minds around what exactly it is that we want, so that we […]

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The God Who Sees Me

Have you ever felt like you weren’t really seen?  I have to say that I have gone through stretches of time where I felt like many of the people I saw day in and day out didn’t really see me.  Sure, they saw me in the most superficial sense of the word, but they wouldn’t take the time to see my heart, to see my passion, to see my true potential and what I was […]

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Last week, my and some friends got to talking about insecurity.  We started the conversation by talking about how we recognize that we have had experiences with people whose insecurity damaged what would have otherwise been a positive situation or relationship.  The conversation quickly turned to a reflection on our own insecurities and how they cause us to behave in a manner that is outside of the realm of what God has called us to […]

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Surrendering Your Dreams to God

Not too long ago I wrote a post called “The Pain in Promise: The Joseph Story.”  For whatever reason, I have been in the process of considering my dreams, considering the waiting period and reconciling the two.  Although we all anticipate the moment when our dreams become a reality, we spend the majority of our lives in the waiting process.  When one dream is fulfilled, we begin waiting for the next thing.  I know that […]

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Freedom to Step Into Something New

This week I have started to think about what a high value I place on freedom.  It’s so easy to become tangled and to become trapped.  We become trapped in anxiety, insecurity, fear, doubt, sin, and small thinking.  I think lately I have realized that you can become trapped in a web of unfulfilled dreams and circumstances that you don’t understand.  Right now, I’m in a season where so many chapters are closing.  While I’m […]

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I’m Friends with the Monster: The Importance of Renewing your Mind

The mind can be a scary place.  I’m of the opinion that the majority of our problems are in our head.  That’s not to say that we don’t have problems that are real and that demand attention.  I know alot of us are facing some really hard stuff.  What I am saying is that our problems have the tendency to become intensified in our mind.  What started off as one problem lends itself to fear, […]

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What you and a diamond have in common

Lately, I have been reflecting on the importance of knowing our own worth.  Honestly, do you understand how valuable you are?  Probably not.  We all go through it right?  The feeling of not being enough, of being a hot mess, of not having our act together all the time.  We are hyper aware of our weaknesses.  And no matter how many cheerleaders we have in our lives, it is probably the voice of that one […]

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